Head Chair - Elise Heng
Greetings Delegates,
My name is Elise Heng, a grade 11 student at ISPP. I am pleased to serve as your Head Chair for this conference alongside my deputy chair. I am excited to witness many innovative ideas and passionate discussions from the delegates at this conference. To my delegates, I hope you challenge yourselves, make new friends and most importantly have fun. This will be my 10th conference and I hope it will be a successful and memorable one! Best regards, Elise |
Deputy Chair - Jing Yeak He (Jing)
Greeting Delegates! My name is Jing, a freshman from NISC. I am both thrilled and honored to serve as your deputy chair for this year’s NISCMUN. This will be my eighth conference and my first time serving as chair.
I believe many of you may be feeling nervous or unsure, especially if it’s your first time, but preparation and confidence is key for you to succeed. I can relate to these feelings considering I once started as a beginner, so please don’t hesitate to contact me via email if you have any queries. Working alongside my head chair, I am committed to providing a memorable experience for you all and wish to see you walk out of the conference with the new skills you could apply beyond the committee room. I look forward to seeing your diplomatic debates and innovative resolutions to the given topics. Hope to see you soon!" |